My father was commissioned by many churches, libraries, and community civic centers to create large works, such as altars, conference tables, study tables, reading tables, lounge chairs, and so forth. One of his most prized commissions was the Mill Valley Library in Mill Valley, California, in 1966, where he made over 100 pieces. In 1997 another wing to the library was added that allowed him to make even more pieces. Since then I have continued with refinishing and maintaining my father's furniture.
In 2009 another remodel was completed and I was commissioned to build a number of pieces: a loveseat with two chairs, a fiction-room bookcase with benches, an information desk facade, a book drop, a 30-foot magazine rack canopy, a reference desk bookcase with drawers, three 8-foot tables for computer and study use area.
In 2012 I was commissioned to build two display tables for Heath Ceramic at 555 Florida street in San Francisco. These tables are an expanded version of one of my father's small bedside tables which has become a very good seller.